Now, fitness tracker for the brain!

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Neil Sarkar, Co-founder, AdHawk Microsystems, presented the first fitness tracker for the brain, at the MEMS & Sensors Executive Congress (MSEC) 2021.

Fast, high-resolution eye tracking is required to indicate ocular and neurological health, reveal the interests and emotional state of a person, and enhance human computer interaction. High-quality eye tracking serves as a debug port into the brain. Six cranial nerves are directly connected to eye movement and pupillometry, enabling the assessment of the brain’s vital signs. Eyes are the only direct physiological output from the brain, enabling high-fidelity neurological and behavioral measurements.

AdHawk’s eye tracking products will be ubiquitous and improve the lives of billions. AdHawk is commercializing decades of eye tracking research with the only frictionless, all-day wearable with biometric sensing for brain health and cognition. It is poised to capture market share in brain health wearables.

AdHawk tracks the movement of the eye with a rapid IR scan of the cornea, capturing 100x more data than a heart rate sensor. Time resolution of eye movement dynamics is a key to unlock insights into mental state and brain health. AdHawk is offering full-stack eye tracking solution. AdHawk’s technical team is uniquely poised to deliver all-day wearables with biometric sensing for brain health. AdHawk’s team has demonstrated step change technological breakthroughs throughout the full stack solution.

There are numerous challenges to making an eye tracker just work. Humans have a wide range of eye reliefs. Ground truth is required to estimate the accuracy of gaze. Gaze accuracy must be maintained over a product’s field-of-view (FOV).

Millions of people have purchased wearables to improve their training, recovery, sleep quality and cardiovascular health. However, for brain health and overall wellbeing, limited options exist with stigmatizing form factors and data that is unactionable, resulting in limited use cases. AdHawk MindLink is said to be the ultimate wearable for brain health. It is the only all-day wearable biometric sensor that tracks subtle dynamics in pupil and eye movement to provide deep insight into the mind. AdHawk also has collaborations and trials underway for concussion and seizure detection.

Realistic eye movements help to establish connection and immersion in VR. High-speed eye tracking is a pre-requisite for performance training, medical and wellness apps. Performance training analytics, such as reaction time and flow state, become possible with high-speed eye tracking.

The eye serves as a debug port into the brain. MEMS architecture is well suited to all-day eye tracking. Personalized medicine and predictive monitoring require longitudinal data. Delivering a frictionless experience is challenging, especially over the range of human factors. All-day wearables that monitor your cognitive processes and brain health are on the way!